Surgery Collaborative and Long-term Practical Experience Learning

Supported by Erasmus+ 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000032237

„The project was funded by the European Commission. The views expressed in this publication (Communication) do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission.“

Surgery is one of the fields of medicine where professionals are heavily relying on dexterity and practical application of specialised skill sets during various procedures. Many of such can only be learned via practical experience. The students of medicine undergo phases where they learn the theory of such procedures, then those who are following the path of surgery specialisation observe and assist during surgical procedures and finally, when deemed experienced enough, they may perform the procedures themselves. With each opportunity to practice their surgical skills, the students as well as practicing surgeons gain confidence and experience; more so if they have opportunities to practice outside of the operating rooms on simulators and cadaveric material prior to practicing the procedures on their patients. Surgery Collaborative and Long-term Practical Experience Learning (SCaLPEL) project proposal aims to bring international opportunities for practical hands-on training of surgical skills to postgraduate (PG) students as well as academics from the field of surgery connecting the students and academics from across four institutions - Masaryk University (Czech Republic), University of Zagreb (Croatia), Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan with the Medical faculty set in Rome (Italy), Poznan University of Medical Sciences (Poland).

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Participating institutions

Participating anatomical and surgical specialisation

Project Results

Each of the four surgical specialisations produced the following type of project results:

Clinical anatomy videos, videos of surgical procedures in live patients and training of surgical procedures on bodies of donors

The package contains videos from various topics of clinical anatomy, live surgical procedures, and videos of training surgical procedures relevant to and practiced at each summer school of surgery. The topics of these videos are related to the topics for each surgical specialisation at each summer school of surgery and short training courses. The clinical anatomy videos are recorded lectures either presented directly during the activities or deposited on the platform to be watched at a later time. In line with the project proposal, the rest of the videos are mainly live recordings of surgical procedures, segments of these surgical procedures, as well as some theoretical lecture materials explaining the steps of procedures. These videos are aimed mainly at postgraduate medical students attending the learning, teaching and training activities and eventually at any medical healthcare professional interested in enhancing their knowledge and experience in specific surgical method. Wider target group is also undergraduate students studying towards medical degree or specialisation in surgery.

Case studies

Case study materials are collections of case reports and any materials with relevant images from various imaging examinations and/or relevant videos from examinations of patients with different medical problems, including working sheets and materials related to surgical practice in simulation centre of the Masaryk University (where relevant). The case files were provided to PG students/residents within their relevant surgical specialisation groups. Originally, the project proposal intended for the project participants (PG students/residents) to design the most suitable surgical solution to the given case and present the solution at the surgical training summer school. However, the case files and presentations were presented during separate online meetings and solutions to these cases were discussed as part of these meetings. The summer schools were then an opportunity to practically apply the discussed knowledge using cadaveric dissection and/or simulators. The students still had to work as a part of an international group from the same surgical specialisation and did receive feedback to their suggested solution by the academics/senior medical professionals immediately during these online case study sessions and also during the summer schools of surgery.

Learning, Teaching, Training Activities

Each of the four surgical specialisations participated in the following type of activities once per year (project duration is 3 years):

C1 - C3: Blended summer schools of surgery

This activity took place physically at Masaryk University (Czechia) - Department of Anatomy and Simulation centre. Here, the participants had a chance to practically train and enhance their surgical skills using simulators and bodies of donors to practice various surgical procedures. There was also a possibility to record the lectures and/or training sessions in dissection room to produce more project results (i.e. videos). The target participants were PG students specialising in surgery (early-career surgeons) and academics (more senior surgeons and anatomists). The project proposed that 2 academics and 4 students from MU will be involved in this activity, as well as 2 academics and 4 students from each partner institution. It was intended that new students would take part in this activity every year. Each surgical specialisation had their own summer school of surgery running yearly for the duration of the project (total number of summer schools was 3 for each of the surgical specialisations. There was also an extra activity organised for anatomists from University of Zagreb. These colleagues visited our department to observe the set up and organisation of the summer school of surgery with. Their goal was to collect know how and inspiration, so they can organise similar activites and specialised surgical courses at their home institution. Following summer schools of surgery were organised as part of this project:

  • 15th – 19th of August 2022

    C1 Spondylosurgery

  • 31st of July – 4th of August 2023

    C2 Spondylosurgery

  • 17th – 21st of June 2024

    C3 Spondylosurgery

  • 29th of August – 2nd of September 2022

    C1 Neurosurgery

  • 28th of August – 1st of September 2023

    C2 Neurosurgery

  • 26th – 30th of August 2024

    C3 Neurosurgery

  • 30th of June – 7th of July 2022

    C1 Plastic surgery

  • 28th of August – 1st of September 2023

    C2 Plastic surgery

  • 24th –28th of June 2024

    C3 Plastic surgery

  • 23rd – 27th of October 2023

    C1 GIT surgery

  • 13th – 17th of May 2024

    C2 GIT surgery

  • 28th of October – 1st of November 2024

    C3 GIT surgery

  • 28th of October – 1st of November 2024

    C3 anatomists

    additional event for participants from Croatia

Internship C16 - C18

This activity was closely tied to the Blended Summer schools of surgery (C1-C3), as these were the internships at one of four surgical departments (plastic, neuro, spondylo/orthopaedic, gastrointestinal surgery) of Masaryk University for PG students from our three partner institutions (each of the fours surgical specialisations). The internship was intended to last for 5 days, and gave an opportunity to 4 students to observe, assist and discuss real cases at the foreign surgical departments of their specialisation. The PG students from their respective field of surgery were able to enhance their practical surgical skill via participation in international internships at the partner institution in their respective field of specialisation. The students were able to observe and assist with specialised surgical procedures they might not necessarily encounter at their home institution. The students were under the mentorship of world-renown experienced surgeons and the academics (surgeons) were in turn able to instruct and collaborate with the PG students from a department with possibly slightly different focus to their own, gaining so a different perspective on a given case. It was planned that new PG students would participate in this activity every year for the duration of the project. Following internships were organised as part of this project:

  • 8th – 12th of August 2022

    C16 Spondylosurgery

  • 7th – 11th of August 2023


  • 24th – 28th of June 2024

    C18 Spondylosurgery

  • 5th – 2nd of September 2022

    C16 Neurosurgery

  • 4th – 8th of September 2023

    C17 Neurosurgery

  • 2nd – 6th of September 2024

    C18 Neurosurgery

  • 11th – 15th of April, 9th – 13th of May, 13th – 17th of June 2022

    C16 Plastic surgery

  • 4th – 8th of September 2023

    C17 Plastic surgery

  • 17th – 21st of June 2024

    C18 Plastic surgery

  • 0th of October – 3rd of November 2023

    C16 GIT surgery

  • 20th – 24th of May 2024

    C17 GIT surgery

  • 4th – 8th of November 2024

    C18 GIT surgery

Short course and intership C4 - C15

The short course was proposed to last for 3 days and was intended for the postgraduate students/early career surgeons (4 from the host institution, 4 from Masaryk University) and academics (1 from the host institution, 1 from Masaryk University) working in their respective surgical specialisation. The internship was planned to be tied to the short course (took place either directly before or after the short course). The target group for these internships were PG students from Masaryk University (4 participants). The internship was planned to last for 5 days. This activity gave participants the opportunity to observe, assist and discuss real cases at the foreign surgical departments of their specialisation. Furthermore, they had an opportunity to observe surgical procedures and discuss techniques and approaches practiced by the host department. The PG students were able to enhance their knowledge and practical surgical skills as they were able to observe and assist with specialised surgical procedures they might not necessarily encounter at their home institution. The students were under the mentorship of world-renown senior surgeons and the academics (surgeons) had a great opportunity to instruct and collaborate with the PG students from a department with perhaps a slightly different focus. Therefore, the participating senior surgeons (academics) could gain a different perspective on given case. This activity also helped with increasing of expertise of European surgeons by enhancing the surgical experience of students as well as academics. Moreover, the weekend between the short course and the internship part of the activity was usually filled with a cultural program and exploration of the surroundings which helped with networking and socialisation of the two collaborating teams. Following short courses + internships were organised as part of this project:

  • 28th of November – 2nd of December 2022

    C4 Neurosurgery, Croatia

  • 18th – 22nd of December 2023

    C5 Neurosurgery, Croatia

  • 16th – 25th of September 2024

    C6 Neurosurgery, Croatia

  • 14th –18th March 2022, 27th March – 4th April 2022, 1st – 14th May 2022, 15th – 21st May 2022

    C7 Plastic surgery, Italy

  • 27th November – 1st December 2023

    C8 Plastic surgery, Italy

  • 13th –17th of May 2024

    C9 Plastic surgery, Italy

  • 11th – 15th November 2024

    C9 Plastic surgery (an extra activity), Italy

  • 4th –13th of October 2023

    C10 GIT surgery, Croatia

  • 4th –13th of October 2023

    C10 GIT surgery, Croatia

  • 10th – 19th of April 2024

    C11 GIT surgery, Croatia

  • 18th – 27th of September 2024

    C12 GIT surgery, Croatia

  • 7th – 16th November 2022

    C13 Spondylosurgery, Poland

  • 31st January – 9th February 2024

    C14 Spondylosurgery, Poland

  • 4th – 13th December 2024

    C15 Spondylosurgery, Poland

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Multiplier events


  • E1 Congress of Czech Neurosurgical Society, Czechia

    This event took place on the 27th of November 2024 as a part of the EANS (European Association of Neurosurgical Societies) 2024 conference in Brno, Czechia. One evening of the conference programme was dedicated to the presentation of the project and its results from the area of neurosurgery by Dr. Dzetkulicova and Dr. Mrlian to an international audience of conference participants specialising in neurosurgery; the presentations were followed by an informal discussion and evening full of networking. Not counting the project participants, there was 1 local, and 19 international (foreign) participants present at this event.

  • E2 Presentation at a conference focused on surgery or medical education, Croatia

    This event took place on the 18th of October 2024 as a part of the 16th Congress of Croatian Society for Endoscopic Surgery in Dubrovnik, Croatia. This event was dedicated to the presentation of the project and its results from the specialisation of abdominal (GIT) surgery done by Dr. Bogdanic to an audience of abdominal surgeons from within and outside of Croatia; the presentations were followed by a Q&A session and a discussion. Not counting the project participants, there were 56 local, and 7 international (foreign) participants present at this event.

  • E3 Presentation at a conference focused on surgery or medical education, Italy

    This event took place on the 26th of November 2023 at the Catholic University of the Sacred Hearth in Rome, Italy. This event was dedicated to the presentation of the project and its results in the area of plastic surgery. The audience consisted of medical students and plastic surgeons and if we are not counting the project participants, there were 6 local and 3 international (foreign) participants present at the event.

  • E4 Presentation at a conference focused on surgery or medical education, Poland

    This event titled Podsumowanie udziału Kliniki Ortopedii Kręgosłupa Dorosłych w projekcie unijnym SCaLPEL project ERASMUS+ w latach 2022-2024 took place on the 20th of December 2024 in Gułtowy, Poland. This event was dedicated to the presentation of the project and its results in the area of spondylosurgery. Multiple project participants such as Prof. Kubaszewski and Dr. Dabrowski presented the results of the project in front of the audience of Polish spondylosurgeons and if we are not counting the project participants, there were 26 local participants present at the event.

  • E5 Brno Flap Dissection Course, Czechia

    This event took place on the 25th of September 2023 in Valtice, Czechia as a part of the Brno Flap Dissection course 2023 which is an international event organised for plastic surgeons from the whole world. One evening of the course programme was dedicated to the presentation of the project and its results from the area of plastic surgery by Prof. Joukal and Prof. Streit to an international audience of course participants specialising in plastic surgery; the presentations were followed by an informal discussion and evening full of networking. Not counting the project participants, there were 4 local, and 36 international (foreign) participants present at this event. The Brno Flap Dissection course was selected in favour of the originally planned Visegrad Plastic Surgery Congress due to more international audience and higher number of attendees at the course when compared to the congress. It was important that the project results would be disseminated among a higher number of medical professionals.


  • E6 Presentation at a conference focused on surgery or medical education, Italy

    This event took place on the 11th of October 2024 as part of a 72nd national conference SICPRE (Italian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery) in Giardini Naxos, Italy. One of the activities was dedicated to the presentation of the project and its results in the area of plastic surgery and was titled Residents international experiences: the SCaLPEL project. The following doctors presented the project results: Dr. Mauro Barbera, MD; Dr. Federico Taraschi, MD; Dr. Ludovico Smaldino, MD. The audience consisted of medical students and plastic surgeons and if we are not counting the project participants, there were 24 local participants present at the event.

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