Alemeh Zamani, Ph.D.
Head of the research group, Alemeh Zamani Research Group: Choroid Plexus in Diseases
Kamenice 126/3
625 00 Brno
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Head of the research group, Alemeh Zamani Research Group: Choroid Plexus in Diseases
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The only way to know more is to ask endlessly for solutions and never stop looking for answers. I am a professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics. My research interests focus on the study of nucleic acids and proteins and their roles in transcription regulation, pathogenesis of various diseases, including their involvement in longevity, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. We use a wide range of methods ranging from bioinformatics, biophysical to molecular biology methods. Publications on Medline. Google scholar.
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phd students
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I joined this department in February 2023. Before coming, I received my BSc (laboratory science) and MSc (medical biochemistry) degrees from Iran, I have a passion for delving into the intricacies of neuroscience. My academic journey has led me to explore the fascinating world of neuroscience, and I'm enthusiastic about contributing to the field's advancements.
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For my Master’s thesis, I studied the process of Tau phosphorylation in the choroid plexus and the role of neuroinflammation in this process. For my Bachelor’s thesis, I did a research of various infectious pathogens correlating to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. In my free time, I like to volunteer – I helped as a health care assistant in the hospice Domov Matky Rosy in Rajhrad, as well as in Alzheimercentrum Piešťany. I always had a big interest in the molecular and neurological background of Alzheimer’s disease and am glad to be working on understanding this disease a little closer with my research group.
master students
undergraduate students
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Hi, my name is Andrea Kollárová and I am studying 5th year of General Medicine. I am very interested in science, particularly in Pathology and Forensic Science which also corresponds with my dream future career.
In my free time, I love watching films, reading books and in the winter I enjoy skiing.
p-pool students
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I joined the Alemeh Zamani Research Group in February 2021 within the national high school competition Students’ Professional Activities (SOČ, Středoškolská odborná činnost) to study the role of choroid plexus during Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This project firstly introduced me to the academic grounds, especially to an unpredictable yet exciting world of neuroscience research.
Currently, I am interested in the neuroinflammatory mechanism occurring in the choroid plexus cells during the pathophysiology of AD. Especially, I am eager to explore the inflammatory signalling pathways crucial to development of chronic immune response, believed to be the causative factor in AD pathogenesis. Moreover, my goal is to grow and flourish as a beginner neuroscientist.
Besides my research journey, I am a General Medicine student at Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University. Eventually, I seek to establish the balance between conducting up-to-date neuroscience experimentation and engaging in impactful clinical practice. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my friends, dancing, and hiking in the lovely Czech nature!
soč students (National High shcool Competition)
Gymnázium Brno, Slovanské náměstí- Supported by the JCMM!
Anna is now studying general medicine.
Gymnázium Brno, Řečkovice- Supported by the JCMM!
Kaya is now studying general medicine.
Gymnázium Brno, třída Kapitána Jaroše
Believe it or not, science and music have a lot in common. For the ideal results, precision and detail is important in both of these fields, and that's what I try to achieve, but everything has a learning curve. I still have a lot to figure out in science and life, but having the chance to try to work on it since highschool is an opportunity I will always be grateful for.
Neuroscience is interesting for me especially because my ancestors struggled with dementia, which can be linked to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's. I also love overall figuring things out, which is not always easy to do in the lab, but it's definitely rewarding when you do.
Besides science and music, I also dance, read fantasy books, and work in social media management for some student non-profit organizations.
Klvaňovo Gymnázium a střední Zdravotnická škola Kyjov- Supported by the JCMM!
Gymnázium Brno, Slovanské náměstí- Supported by the JCMM!
Hi, my name is Vojtěch Vlček and I am currently working on my SOČ regarding changes on blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier after chemotherapy. I am eager to learn more about neuroscience and other related science fields.
In my free time, I like to wander around in nature or ride my bike. I am also an avid reader of sci-fi books.
Gymnázium, Česká Třebová,
Evelina was supervised by Parisa EmamiAref.
ifmsa students (short internship)
Menoufia University, Egypt
May 2023
School of medicine National Defense Medical Center, Taiwan
Summer 2023
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico
Summer 2023
National Defense Medical Center, Taiwan
Summer 2023
University of Crete, Greece
Fall 2023
University of Roma La Sapienza, Italy
Fall 2023
Syiah Kuala University, Indoensia
January 2024