Body donations

Generations of medical students have been, are and will be passing through the Institute of Anatomy of the Medical Faculty of Masaryk University. During the course of their study, they learn about the structure and organization of the organ systems of the human body, which would not be possible without the noble decision of voluntary donors who agree that after death their body will be used for the purpose of teaching future physicians.
Anatomical knowledge of the structure of the human body is essential for every doctor. Medical students acquire most of this necessary knowledge in the practical teaching sessions of anatomy on embalmed human bodies and prosections.
According to the contract between the body donors and the Department of Anatomy, the Department will ensure free transport of all remains of the deceased donors and their cremation. Those interested in donating their body for scientific and educational purposes and those requiring detailed information can contact the administrative office of the Department of Anatomy (549 49 1332) or send the completed and verified consent and signed contract (see Consent and download contract) to: Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Kamenice 3 , Brno, 625 00. For technical reasons, as of June 1, 2012, we offer the contracts only to donors with a place of permanent residency within a distance of 150 km from Brno.

Relatives of the donor or the examining doctor, please always contact:
Department of Anatomy LFMU
Kamenice 3, 625 00 Brno
on the telephone number: +420 549 491 332 (office)
or UKB gatehouse on the: +420 549 491 312; +420 733 598 623
If death occurs at home, please contact the Departmen of Anatomy (see above).
The transport of the deceased is provided only by the contracted funeral service:
Funeral and cemetry services of the city of Brno, a.s.
Koliště 7, 60200 Brno +420 603 113 300 (operates 24 hours 7 days in week)
There are no transport costs for the relatives of the donors!
"Pieta" is the work of master Jaromír Gargulák, which was realized with the financial help of MU. With the unveiling of "Pieta" on the 26th of October 2007, we would like to show our deep gratitude to all those who donated their bodies. With their generous gift, they enabled the Deaprtment of Anatomy of the Medical Faculty of Masaryk University to contiually provide high-quality medical education.
Since 2018, the Department of Anatomy of the Medical Faculty of Masaryk University oragnizes a service remembering and thanking body donors in the Chapter Hall of the Augustinian Abbey in Old Brno.
Events are organized by MUDr. Marek Joukal, Ph.D., head of the Department of Anatomy, in cooperation with the "Spolek Mediků LFMU".
Thank you to everyone involved. Special thanks to all organizers and performers.